Friday, November 7, 2008

New Age continents arising

Here what I promised, very first version of fully customized map.
It's just a peek, and version 0.01. But basic idea is seen; two bigger continents + islands, bigger and smaller.
You can probably hint something out of this.. or not! Time will tell. ;)


  1. I think I have an idea on whats to come. The map looks cool though. Looks similar to the WoW map.

  2. Any similarity with WoW map was not intended.

  3. It's not a complaint and yeah if my thoughts are correct on what you're going to do with the map are true then it's obvious that the similarity was as unintentional. I still love it though. <3

  4. Gonna need more mountains for all the awesome new ores you better be putting in =)
