Monday, December 29, 2008 out of business

It has come to my attention that the webhosting site has gone out of business! Apparently there is no way of getting our information and database back from them.

We will work on getting a new domain name asap with our forums and website back up. Until then wait patiently..

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas :)

Enjoy your Christmas lads and gals.
Stay tuned for more updates to the upcoming #1 UO shard, let's keep the spirit alive.

- Pangaea Staff

Monday, December 22, 2008

Website down?

It has come to my attention that the website and forum seemsdown. I currently cannot explain it, but I have doubts it has something to do with the international internet lines that were cut last week. When I will have more detail I will inform you. If something happened to our web publisher we will simply move and buy a new one.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Armors peak

To keep you interested meanwhile we work our ass off (*grins*) here's one of the armors we decided to take into use. There will be some interesting things for many professions, which are achieved only through a quest and gives some kind of speciality to the class. Stat boost, extra spell, special weapon strike etc, something unique. But I won't reveal more at this point.

Armor restrictions are soon done, but I'm sure kontrol will post more details about it soon.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Class system - Updates

So here's few updates.

After a small break, I continued the class system. The class themselves and the GuildMasters are done. So I'm now working on the class armor restrictions, which shouldn't take much time.

After the armor restriction, I'll start coding the spells and books and or the housing system depending on what we have done on spells design. So it is the time to keep posting your spells idea.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Update on several issues

It's been a while since we have wrote here again, but it doesn't mean we haven't been developing/planning the shard. So lads, here's a update what we're currently working/planning with:
- Towns (how many, what type etc.).
- Basic idea of religions.
- Kingdoms (yes, there will be two different kingdoms, beside that you can choose to live as rogue leisure, more about that later).

Seraph also announced few days ago that the new forum (phpbb3) with the website design will come pretty soon, when the guy who designed the website has time to do it.

Custom spell designing started also few days ago, and will proceed.

On top of that, the assassin class (unique features) is under the task aswell.

I'll post a new version of the map when we have final decision of the amount, style and locations of the towns.

- Staff